Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wealthy Affiliate Different To One Week Marketing

So what is better to help you make money online... The one week marketing guide or the wealthy affiliate univeristy. The one week marketing guide is created by a work from home internet marketing mom Jenifer the potpiegirl and the Wealthy Affiliate University was started up By 2 internet marketing wealthy affiliates, Kyle and Carson.

The Wealthy Affiliate university is a whole internet marketing portal that I call my "Online Home". Inside the wealthy Affiliate you can get all the internet marketing tools, tutorials included the ones created by Kyle and Carson as well as a whole heap of tutorials created by the experienced wealthy affiliate members that walked the walk of internet marketing. Just the tools inside the wealthy affiliate would cost over $100 a month to get access to on their own, not to mention all the training, free one on one coaching by kyle and carson as well as other members and of course even Jenifer the potpiegirl as well, as she actually started out at the wealthy affiliate university herself and learned the skills to pay the bills online.

So what is the one week marketing by potpiegirl is about? The one week marketing is a complete one week plan of special steps and activities that you need to follow to create your own nice little internet marketing empire of individual affiliate marketing campaigns that will bring in the $ every week for you by themselves once they are created and ready to go.

Another awesome part about the one week marketing by potpiegirl is it teaches you how to make money online without even having to invest any money in the first place, she teaches you how to make mone online using free resources that you don't have to pay a penny for, as well as other paid resources that can really speed up your internet marketing campaign and give it a huge boost and get you making money in no time.

So what should you get , the wealthy affiliate university membership - or the One Week Marketing Guide?

I would like to say, Get Both! But, if you cannot afford to get both right now then I would highly recommend starting at the Wealthy Affiliate University Here First!

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